    I just moved the web site to a new server.
If you have any problems with pages or downloads,
let me know, Fly safe, Waiter
23 JULY 2007 100,000 HITS !!!!!!
Who could imagine that a privately owned and operated web site that pertains to rebuilding a 10 year old LongEZ airplane would be visited over 100,000 times?? Go Figure! :-)
For those of you who've visited, I hope the information is meaninful and helpfull. I've enjoyed posting it up here!
22 JULY 2007 Throttle Cable brackets
I used a piece of 2x4x.125 angle (6061T6) to make the bracket for the throttle cables. The bracket is clamped in place between the oil sump and the fuel injector servo..
I'll post a photo later.
21 JULY 2007 Gear Welding
As I had mentioned in an ealier post, I had discussions with JD at Infinity Aerospace regarding the adhesive used on their early model shipset. Although the engineering is sound, there still lies the big question regarding how will the structural integrety of the adhesive system hold up over the test of time (compared to a welded system).
Keep in mind, this only applies to the first production run that JD produced (50-60 sets). His later production runs were dip brazed and did not use the adhesive bonding.
With this question in my mind, I've decided to weld two of the three bonded components, the Main strut tube and the internal Guide tube.
I would also like to have welded the trunion guide to the main plate (photo left), but my main mounting plates are already mounted and would require extensive work to remove them for welding. However, before I originally installed them, I installed roll pins to capture the trunion pin guide in unlikely event the bonding did break free.
One of the major challanges of welding the tubes, the tubes are currently joined with structural adhesive. During the welding process, this adhesive boils and blows off gasses that "pop" the area just welded. After some practice, my welder was able to minimize the amount of bubbles that got blown off while he was welding.
In the first two photos, you can see what the Guide Tube looked like before, and what it looks like immediatly after welding. (nothing cleaned up or dressed)
The second two photos show what the brace support looks like before being dressed up.
These two tubes were welded with an arc, and look a little rough. The other set was welded with a MIG, they look much better. They're at the shop so I didn't get photos of them yet.
The tubes need to have some machine work performed. The main Strut tube needs to have a hone run through it, especially in the area of the welding. The Guide tube needs to have a ridge stop remachined where the foot tube end stops, and the foot tube needs to be cut down to make up for the expanded stop. I prepared a set of drawings for the machine shop to work with.
While the shop is cutting down the foot tube, I'm going to have them remove an extra 1/8 inch from both foot tubes. This will shorten the "compressed" length of the gear by 1/8 inch, and buy me just a little more room in the wheel wells. This will move the tires more toward the center of the well. right now they are close to edge near the fuselage.
I wanted to make sure the Machine shop had specific iinstructions, so, Here is a copy of the
16 JULY 2007 Firewall
I've been moving things around on the firewall to make sure I have room for everything. In this photo, you can see the fuel injection distribution spider mounted on the engine. The breather oil seperator is on the firewall. The fuel injection purge valve is mounted and the cable is rigged. There will be a short hose that connects the spider to the purge valve.
This is a working model of the cable mounts for the fuel injection servo unit. After I get everything fit and checked, I'll used this bracket as a template and make the flight hardware bracket out of a piece of 2x4x.125 aluminum angle.
14 JULY 2007 The Need for Speed
If you've logged onto the "Waitch Waiter Work" webcam, you may have noticed a very significant increase in speed. My area is now serviced by Amplex Wireless, They installed the service Friday, I'm seeing upload and download speeds approaching 3 mb/sec (WOW). The HughesNet system was based on a satallite for both UP and DOWN. It was faster than dialup, but its speed varied, and the delay times were sometimes unforgiving. If anyone is interested in a used Satelite system, drop me a note.
10 JULY 2007 Photo Ops
A couple weeks ago I had the EZ outside. I had the wings on so I could fit the cowling. My sister came by and took these two photos. Hopefully it will look this good when I'm finished.
We started harvest this week, so thats going to cut down on the airplane work for a couple months (urgh)
8 JULY 2007 Firewall
Making throttle cable brackets for the fuel injection system.
The injector distributor is mounted on top of the engine. The fuel purge valve ismounted on the firewall.
Waiters GPS Set Time program.
Waiters Flight Data Recorder.
Flight Data Recorder.
Recording aircraft flight data.
Aircraft Voice recorder.
Garmin GPS.
Garmin GPS Serial data Format.
Recording EFIS data.
Capture Serial data.
Convert Raw Data Files.
Free GPS Software.
Reading GPS data.
Reading Garmin GPS data.
Aircraft EFIS Flight Instruments.
Electronic Flight Instruments.
Aircraft Engine Monitor System.
Garmin G format.
Infinity landing gear LongEZ Plans Built Airplane.
Oil Heat system for Homebuilt airplane.
LongEZ Canard and main Wing.
Dynon instrument panel.
Custom Mouse cursors.
Garmin Serial Data Format.
Easy, Free Computer Time setting by GPS Receiver.
Custom mouse pointers.
Custom airplane mouse pointers.
LongEZ Nose gear doors.
Long-EZ main landing gear doors.
LongEZ grasscutter landing gear door.
Custom LongEZ mouse pointers.
Lycoming engine in LongEZ.
MT Propellor with 6 inch propellor extension.
EZNose Lift retractable nose gear for Long-EZ.
Rutan LongEZ is a plans built aircraft.
High speed homebuilt airplane.
Retractable landing gear for LongEZ.
Custom Airbus mouse cursor pointer.
Custom Velocity mouse cursor pointer.
NMEA 0183 Serial data Format.
Custom Cozy mouse cursor pointer.
Custom Aerocanard airplane mouse cursor pointer.
Custom E-Racer mouse cursor pointer.
Custom Canard airplane mouse cursor pointer.
Custom LongEZ mouse cursor pointer.
Set your Computer clock with this free GPS software.
Custom F15 mouse cursor pointer.
Custom A10 Warthog mouse cursor pointer.
LongEZ Hydraulic pump.
Retractable landing gear for a Long-EZ.
Custom F16 mouse cursor pointer.
Custom F14 mouse cursor pointer.
Custom Boeing 747 mouse cursor pointer.
Custom Boeing 767 mouse cursor pointer.
Custom Boeing 777 mouse cursor pointer.
Custom Boeing 737 mouse cursor pointer.
GPS Time Sync.
Custom Boeing 727 mouse cursor pointer.
Landing gear door rigging.
Custom Boeing 757 mouse cursor pointer.
Custom MD80 mouse cursor pointer.
Custom DC9 mouse cursor pointer.
Setting your computer to a GPS Time.
Custom RV mouse cursor pointer.
Downdraft cooling for LongEZ.
Speed brake installation.
Waiters Flight Data Recorder.
LongEZ Baggage pods installation instructions.
Waiters Custom Airplane mouse cursors.
Free GPS Time Sync Program.
LongEZ Intercom installation.
Major airframe overhaul of plans built EZ.
Weight and balance for a LongEZ.
Weight and Balance spreadsheet download for a Long-EZ.
LongEZ fuel system design.
How To remove the wings from a LongEZ.
How To remove the canard from a LongEZ.
Waiters GPS Time sync program runs on PC.
How To remove the engine from a LongEZ.
Long-EZ Downdraft cooling for a Lycoming O-320.
Long-EZ Wing Removal and installation instructions.
Waiters Retractable Landing Gear Controller.
Landing Light installation in LongEZ.
Install free EFIS software on your PC.
How to Put several longezs in one hangar.
How to install an Infinity Aerospace Retractable landing gear in a Long-EZ.
How to install DownDraft cooling on a Long-EZ.
GPS Time.
Setting you computer clock to GPS time.
How to set your Computer clock to GPS Time.
Using your GPS Receiver to set your computers clock.
Low cost GPS receiver used to syncronize Computer clock to GPS time.
Neat Canopy stay system for an EZ.
Cabin Heat using engine oil as source.
Waiters GPS Time, Syncronize your PCs internal clock with the GPS satellite.
Remote display of EFIS on a PC.
Cabin Oil Heater for a LongEZ.
LongEZ Landing Gear Door.
Rigging a LongEZ Landing Gear door.
Icom Radio in LongEZ.
How to Build a Manometer.
LongEZ Electrical system upgrades.
Grand Rapids EMS.
Custom Windows cursors.
Custom Windows mouse pointers.
LongEZ Cowling for downdraft cooling.
Record holding LongEZ flights.
Using a PLC for a retractable Landing Gear Controller in a LongEZ.
Syncronize your PCs clock to a GPS receiver.
Airspeed vs pressure lookup tables.
How to build a homebuilt airplane.
Video of LongEZ taking off.
Grasscutter landing gear door.
EZ Nose Lift installation.
Landing Gear status indicator.
Shareware software can set your PC clock vie a GPS receiver.
Landing Gear controller computer for LongEZ.
Landing gear doors.
Dynon EMS10 installed in instrument panel of a LongEZ.
Dynon EFIS D10A installed in instrument panel of a LongEZ.
Flight Data Recorder Software.
PlansBuilt LongEZ.
Video of High G turn in a Long EZ.
Strong Pitch Trim system installed in a LongEZ.
Strong Pitch Trim mounted on Left Side of Long-EZ.
Free software sets your PC clock with a GPS receiver.
Video of LongEZ Taking off.
Video of LongEZ Landing.
Video of LongEZ performing a high G turn.
Video of Infinity Landing gear being retracted into a LongEZ.
LongEZ Color White.
Painting your LongEZ.
White LongEZ.
Camoflage LongEZ.
Infinity Landing Gear for LongEZ.
Strong Pitch system.